Tuesday 23 May 2017

Releasing a Book

I always find releasing a book a really exciting but also a very scary process. I end up going over and over the manuscript trying to make sure it is as error free as I can make it and worrying if I’ve missed anything. It’s only when I finally sign off on the proofs from the printers and know there is no changing my mind that I can relax since at that point all the work is done and it’s just a case of waiting.
Then when the books arrive it’s incredible to see how all the different parts I’ve been working on have been merged together and transformed into the final book. It just looks so much better when you see it as a paperback rather than a pdf file. It is also such a satisfying feeling to know that all that work I’ve put in has at last culminated in the finished article.

This time around after signing off on the proofs I was given the opportunity to witness the book being bound, which was fascinating and I have included some pictures.

At the end I was also given the first couple of books to come off the press and the rest of the books will be delivered soon.

The eBook version is already available for pre-order.

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